Nyitva H-V 7:00 - 21:00

Elsa Shabani

Elsa Shabani



Order time: by appointment

Price: 50 min/ 13.000 (Huf)

Welcome! I am Elsa Shabani, I provide psychological counseling in Budapest for English speakers in person and online.

About my approach: My practice focuses on helping people from diverse cultures such as expats, cultural hybrids, international migrants and refugees. I offer individual psychological counseling for people dealing with various mental health issues. First and foremost, I strive to create a gentle, safe, sensitive companionship and non-judgmental environment where my clients can be their most authentic selves. It is my personal belief that everyone has an inherent potential for integration of the self therefore, it is my life’s mission to help individuals integrate their sense of self which I believe helps them navigate through life’s challenges. I tailor my work based on every human being’s special needs and unique personality structures while incorporating the Person-Centered and CBT framework as well as Psychodynamic insights. I carry out my counseling practice under supervision.

We can work together on the following concerns:

  • Depression & Anxiety issues
  • Relationship issues
  • Coping with life stressors
  • Loss & Grief
  • Behavioral problems
  • Career counseling & workplace related issues

My professional trainings:

BA in Psychology – University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”

MA in Psychology – Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology

Senior Team Lead (Volunteer) – “The Ideas Partnership” – NGO, Prishtina, Kosovo

Counselor & Co- trainer – HumanTask Consulting Kft

Aspiring Candidate for Schema Therapy Training

Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, views about life”

Carl Rogers

Miben segíthetünk?

Miben segíthetünk?

Ön bejelentkezett a PsychOmnia konzultációs központba, kérem írja le miben segíthetünk.

Milyen időpontok / idősávok alkalmasak? (többet is választhat)
Személyesen vagy online szeretne járni?
Előfordul, hogy a pszichológus nem tud egyből időpontot adni. Mennyire sürgős Önnek, hogy a szakember fogadja? (1 = nem sürgős, 5 = nagyon sürgős)

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